Thursday, May 22, 2014

"Modest is hottest"

Okay, so I know you were expecting a prom post and you must be heartbroken at the sight of anything but that, but I just need to rant a bit and twitter has been my rant victim for far too long.

So lately I have been hearing people say things along the lines of "how can girls expect boys to respect them when they don't even respect themselves?", of  course referring to the matter of modesty. 

First of all, who are you to say that just because someone isn't following your particular standard of dress, that means they don't respect themselves? If somebody is dressed in shorts that show their bum and a revealing shirt and they feel comfortable in that, they are completely respecting themselves. The same goes for someone who wears shorts that cover their knees and a shirt with sleeves that cover their shoulders. We all have different ways of respecting ourselves, and having someone tell us that they don't respect us because of the way we dress to stay comfortable is extremely offensive. 

Second of all, if you believe women should dress in order to please men or to keep a man's hormones under control, then you need to rethink what you have been taught. Women should not be taught that they're responsible for the degrading thoughts that men are prone to having, and men should not be taught this either. 

Now, I'm not saying that if you're attracted to a woman who is wearing clothes that are up to your personal standards then you are wrong or some kind of evil man who is the reason for the need for feminism. What I am saying is that if you are not respectful of people's standards for clothing and comfort, you should learn what respect means. That's all. 

(I still don't remember how to end a blog post) 


So, as cliche as I feel whenever I blog, I have decided to start again. I'm starting with a fresh and sleek new blog to match my fresh and sleek new life. Well, sleek may not be the right word for my life, but that makes me sound cool and hip.

I sound like a 40 year old 

Anyway, I need a way to document my every move besides the obvious twitter and Instagram posts, so here I am. I'm jumping back into the world of the average female Utah citizen, and I'm ready for this adventure. 

Disclaimer: I don't actually think that the blogging experience is an adventure. I'm sorry, I just wanted to get myself excited. 

My first real post may or may not be about prom. I apologize in advance. 

(If you were wondering why my blog is named what it is, it's because of this song

(I'm not sure why, I just like it. Get off my back.) 

I forgot how to end a blog post